Our Environment
Icklesham Joinery Ltd recognises a responsibility to the environment, our customers and suppliers to base our commercial activities on legal and well-managed forests.
As such we are committed to procuring our timber and timber products from independently verified sources. The company recognises that the independent, third party certification of forests and that the timber we trade originates from legal and well managed forests.
To this end we have achieved FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) and PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) Chain of Custody Certification (COC) for a range of timber products.
We source our timber and associated timber products from certified suppliers where possible. We actively encourage and support all our suppliers to go through the certification process and to increase the volume of certified material traded.
Where COC certification is unavailable and alternative sources or products are sought, then as a minimum standard we will not procure any species that is prohibited under Appendix 1 of the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
In addition we regularly obtain information relating to our suppliers’ environmental practices and sources of raw material used in the manufacture of the wood products. This information forms part of the purchasing strategy and is available to interested parties.
To ensure continuous improvement, Icklesham Joinery has appointed a Senior Manager responsible for the implementation and maintenance of this policy and will ensure that environmental issues relevant to this policy are discussed regularly at the highest level of management.
We will ensure that all employees associated with Timber Purchasing are encouraged to act in accordance with this policy and are given appropriate education and training to do so. This policy will be reviewed annually to consider progress made by our supply chain, changes in industry practice and the requirements of our customers.
Icklesham Joinery will supply FSC or PEFC certified products on request.
For more information call 01424 814303 or e-mail info@i-j-l.co.uk